The Bee Hive

David Larrabee

David Larrabee
Technology Leader | Boston | @squidpunch

Learning TensorFlow.js

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

I met Gant Laborde while we were both cranking away at a few different Ruby Motion Open Source projects, and I have kept a pulse on what he's been up to since that point. He just released a book Learning TensorFlow.js through O'Reilly Books and I figured it might be an interesting way to dip my toes in the world of ML, even for just a small taste.

As I work through the book I figured it would be interesting to just through up a website to host working examples along the way. It's a mix of some new and old experiences all together. Threw together a quick create-next-app to host the project, but forcing myself to work more in Typescript instead of my real comfort zone.

You can see my spin on the examples on the Vercel hosted site, or if you want to dive into the bits that create the site along the way, source is open on my github profile as well. It's not super pretty, but its a great way to hold me accountable to be learning more - and actually continue working through the book and exercises.

Learning TensorFlow.js